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3 Things You Should Know About Car Rentals

Updated: Jul 31, 2019

Who wants to think about the details of a car rental when you could be thinking about taking in the coastline's scenic views? Renting a car usually isn't a fun thing to think about, so we did it for you. Read on to learn three things to consider before renting a car.

Insurance Might Be a Good Idea

Initially, car rental insurance costs more money but the benefit is your peace of mind. Insurance is suggested simply because you will be driving an unfamiliar car in an unfamiliar location. This reason for considering insurance is so obvious that it's more overlooked than not. explains that if you have your own car insurance, then you may be covered but if you do not have your own primary car insurance, you may be obligated to opt-in.

Credit Beats Debit

Authorization holds are a common practice for car rental companies but something that we often forget to account for while spending money during vacation. Using a credit card when renting a car is recommended in order to avoid overdraft fees or declined funds. Avis cautions that some car rental services will only accept debit cards from specific carriers, and even then only if the holder is over age 25. If you want to use a debit card, be sure to have a backup credit card on hand.

Decide Who Drives

Deciding who drives is possibly the most overlooked factor when renting a car, yet, has the most severe consequences. Esurance describes how the only person that is allowed to drive the rental car is the person whose name is on the insurance. If a person drives who is not listed as eligible, and there is an accident, then the insurance is nullified and you will be held responsible for a large, not to mention an inflated amount of money. If you have any reason to think that you will be sharing driving shifts with your travel companions or wanting to choose a designated driver while out drinking, then make sure you put more than one person's name on the insurance. If you want to enjoy your vacation and minimize your risk of unnecessary car rental fees, then prepare ahead of time. Try to think of car rental preparations as just one more thing to pack before you head out for some well-earned relaxation. You will minimize your risks and you will thank yourself later.

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