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Baltimore high school coach arrested over deepfake racist audio of principal

Baltimore High School Coach Arrested over Deepfake Racist Audio of Principal In a shocking turn of events, a high school coach in Baltimore has been arrested for creating a deepfake audio clip containing racist slurs targeted at the school's principal. The incident has led to widespread outrage and calls for justice, as well as highlighting the dangers of deepfake technology. The principal of a Baltimore-area high school was placed on leave after the release of an audio clip containing racist remarks. The clip was intelligently manipulated to make it seem like the principal was using derogatory language towards specific racial groups. The principal, who has not been named, faced significant backlash and even received death threats as a result of the deepfake audio. Deepfakes are highly sophisticated manipulated videos or audio clips that use artificial intelligence to create extremely realistic appearances or mimic someone's voice. They have become a growing concern as they pose a potential threat to personal privacy, reputation, and the spread of misinformation. In this case, it was used to tarnish the reputation of the principal and stir racial tensions within the community. The high school coach responsible for creating and circulating the deepfake audio was arrested following an extensive investigation. Law enforcement authorities were able to track down the person behind the malicious clip through digital forensics and cooperation from technological experts. The identity of the coach has not been disclosed, and it is unclear what charges will be filed against them. The incident has raised concerns about the potential misuse of deepfake technology and the

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