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Could Ofcom ban social media for under-18s?

Could Ofcom ban social media for under-18s? In a world where social media plays such a significant role in our everyday lives, it's no wonder that there are growing concerns about its impact on young people. From cyberbullying to mental health issues, many believe that social media is having a detrimental effect on the well-being of under-18s. In response to these concerns, the UK's media regulator, Ofcom, has recently proposed new rules that could potentially ban under-18s from using social media platforms. But what are these proposed rules, and how would they work? The first thing to note is that the proposed rules are still in the early stages of development and have not yet been implemented. However, they do offer an interesting insight into how regulators are thinking about the issue. Under the proposed rules, Ofcom would have the power to designate social media platforms as "Category 1 services" if they pose a "risk of significant harm" to children. Platforms designated as Category 1 services would then be subject to stricter regulations, including a potential ban on under-18s using the platform. So, what would be considered "significant harm"? Ofcom has defined four categories of harm: physical harm, emotional harm, being exposed to harmful or illegal content, and engaging in harmful behaviour. Platforms that meet one or more of these categories could be designated as Category 1 services. Ofcom would also take into account the platform's size, audience composition, and targeting

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