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The insect farmers turning to AI to help lower costs

The Insect Farmers Embrace AI to Lower Costs In the quest for sustainable and affordable animal feed alternatives, insect farmers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize their industry. By harnessing the power of AI, these innovative farmers hope to reduce costs and effectively compete with soybeans, a popular and widely-used source of animal feed. Traditionally, soybeans have dominated the market due to their relatively low cost and abundance. However, the production and cultivation of soybeans come with environmental challenges and limitations. Insect farming, on the other hand, offers a more sustainable and resource-efficient solution. Insects, such as black soldier flies and mealworms, are high in protein and can be easily bred and cultivated. Insect-based animal feed has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its nutritional value and positive environmental impact. However, one major hurdle insect farmers face is the cost of production. To address this challenge, many farmers are turning to AI technology. AI technology enables insect farmers to optimize their production processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately lower costs. By collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can identify patterns, optimize feeding schedules, and adjust environmental conditions to maximize insect growth rates. This data-driven approach allows farmers to fine-tune their operations and streamline the production process, resulting in increased yields and reduced costs. One example of AI implementation in the insect farming industry is the use of computer vision technology. By utilizing cameras and image recognition algorithms, farmers can monitor insect

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