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Israel-Gaza war: Half of Gaza's population is starving, warns UN

Half of Gaza's population is suffering from extreme hunger and starvation, according to a dire warning by the United Nations. The ongoing Israel-Gaza war has resulted in devastating consequences for the people of Gaza, particularly when it comes to access to food and other essential supplies. The UN World Food Programme has highlighted that the conditions in Gaza have made it nearly impossible to deliver the necessary provisions to the population. The conflict between Israel and Hamas, the militant group controlling Gaza, has been ongoing for years. However, the recent escalation of violence has exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation. With over two million people living in an area of just 140 square miles, Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth. The dense population, coupled with the destruction caused by the war, has created a severe food crisis. The World Food Programme estimates that around 1.6 million people in Gaza are currently in need of urgent food assistance. This is roughly half of the population, and the number is expected to increase as the conflict persists. The delivery of aid has been severely hampered by the destruction of infrastructure, including roads and buildings, which has made it extremely challenging to navigate the territory and reach those in need. Additionally, the limited availability of fuel and electricity further compounds the problem. Israel's blockade of Gaza, which has been in place since 2007, has also contributed to the food crisis. The blockade restricts the movement of goods and people in and out of the territory, severely limiting the availability of essential supplies. This has caused skyrocketing prices, making it unaffordable for many to access basic necessities. Coupled with widespread poverty and high unemployment rates, the blockade has pushed large portions of the population into extreme poverty and food insecurity. The situation has been further worsened by the destruction of farmland and agricultural infrastructure. With many farming areas targeted during the conflict, farmers have lost their sources of income and food production has been severely impacted. This has led to a shortage of fresh produce and a heavy reliance on imported goods, which are subject to high prices and limited availability due to the blockade. The lack of self-sustainability in terms of food production has made Gaza highly vulnerable to any disruptions in supply chains. In response to the dire situation, the UN World Food Programme has been working tirelessly to provide assistance to those in need. They have been distributing food parcels to families, as well as providing cash assistance to enable people to purchase their own food. However, the scale of the crisis far exceeds the resources available, and the agency is struggling to keep up with the increasing demand. International humanitarian organizations have also been calling for a ceasefire to allow for the safe passage of aid and for the necessary repairs to infrastructure. The destruction of critical facilities such as hospitals, schools, and water and sanitation systems has further compounded the humanitarian crisis, leaving the population vulnerable to not only hunger but also disease outbreaks. The international community has a crucial role to play in addressing the crisis in Gaza. It is essential to pressure all parties involved to work towards a lasting ceasefire and to lift the blockade to ensure the free flow of goods and humanitarian aid. Additionally, long-term solutions must be sought, including investments in rebuilding infrastructure and supporting agricultural development to enhance self-sustainability in food production. The situation in Gaza is a tragic reminder of the devastating consequences of war on civilian populations. It is imperative for the international community to prioritize the protection and well-being of innocent lives and to work towards a peaceful resolution that addresses the root causes of the conflict. Only by doing so can the people of Gaza hope for a brighter, more prosperous future, free from the grips of hunger and deprivation.

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