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Reckless Behaviors You Should Always Avoid When Driving

Whether you are just starting to drive or have been doing it for a while, it’s always important to practice safe driving. Driving can be safe if done correctly, but it also has the potential for great destruction. Here are a few reckless behaviors that you should always avoid when driving.

Disregarding Traffic Signs

Traffic signs are there for a reason—to help keep you safe. But they won’t do any good if you just ignore them. Make sure you stop completely at stop signs and look all ways before you continue. You need to make sure to yield and follow one-way signs safely. Pay attention to speed limit signs and drive within the posted limits. Doing this while also following traffic cues will help prevent danger to yourself and others. Being aware of what signs are around you in your neighborhood is also important to keep your neighbors and their children safe.

Using Your Phone

According to Bradley Corbett Defense Attorney, not texting can improve safe driving and help you to avoid tickets. In contrast, texting and driving increase accident rates exponentially. There are apps on your phone that can be used to prevent you from using it while in motion. These can prevent car crashes if used correctly and frequently. You want to make sure that your concentration is upon the road itself. While texting is more dangerous than talking on the phone, talking can also be a distraction.

Using Mind-Altering Substances

Most drivers know that using alcohol is exceptionally dangerous—not only to the driver but also to those driving around them. Alcohol is not the only mind-altering drug that can injure or kill when driving. Any substance that changes the brain, even those legal in some states, in incorrect doses can cause this danger. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, this can include commonly used things like alcohol and cannabinoids but also illicit drugs like cocaine, meth, or any other mind-altering substance.

Your goal is to drive safely from point A to point B, and to make sure that those around you get there safely as well! Protect yourself and your car by following signs and laws in your area. Put down your phone, use safe practices, and stay away from drugs, especially when driving.

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